That is all.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday Fill-In!
Join along at Wife of a Sailor!
Are you a different person than you were five years ago? submitted by Sisterly Thoughts
Absolutely. Five years ago I was fourteen for christ's sake. I wore nothing but black because I thought I was fat, and dark-skinned. I still do, just have been coaxed into wearing more colors. My mother had just kicked me out at 13 because I was someone she didn't want me to be and also for her new husband. It was a year until I got my kitty LittleButt. I was still doing amazingly in school and I was sick all of the time. Vastly different. Now I'm only sick part of the time. And I'm missing part of my pinkie.
If you could go on Amazing Race, who would you take with you as your partner and why? submitted by Thoughts from a Poekitten
Definitely my husband. One, I couldn't actually stand to be around anyone else that much. But, also, he would be really good at it! Land Nav training and all that... But he wouldn't know how to budget or cook better than I do. We'd complement each other. Not that I'm bad with Directions, I just know he's better :D
Does Facebook or Twitter actually bring more stress or good in to your life? submitted by Just an Arizona Girl
Good. Though sometimes my drama-free friends get backed into a situation where there's just so much drama. uuuugh. In those cases, if there is no way I can help, I tend to stay away for a bit.
June is National Soul Food Month- what's your soul food? submitted by NH Girl Displaced
Does BBQ Count? If so, then Pulled Pork BBQ. If not, it's probably Sweet potato fries I guess.
If you could live in any other era than the current, which one would it be & why? submitted bySugar in My Grits
I hate this question. None. People think that they'd have lives like on their favorite TV shows. They wouldn't. And every time I see people answer yes to this question it always bugs me as a tiny bit racist, they forget that until about the 1970's - Now that people who actually have more PIGMENT in their skin are really accepted... and even then most of the time, they're not. Granted lots of people said eff that and made their own corporations and entertainment and companies, etc... but, still. You can see where I would have a problem with this. The most popular answers to these questions all involve me having the available job as a maid or a cook, my dad as a laborer, my brother as a servant, my sister as another maid or waitress... The pattern goes on and on. My family is very interracial--yes, I'm also part Caucasian... but back then that meant nothing. I hate this question. I really, really do.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Apartment hunting! ... Christ, I hate apartment hunting...
I hated it when I was thirteen, and I hate it now... BUT.... I have found several places close to Fort Bliss... if the housing list is as frozen as I keep hearing, it will be likely that we will be moving into one of the places I've looked at... I did some apartment hunting and listed the best choices so hubby would have less stress. :) I'm G like that :D
My current favorite is this one.
It's pretty and it's near Fort Bliss :)
I dislike Texas because a lot people I've met there are rude :( And it's hot :(( And it's not California D: D: D: I'm a California girl at heart :] BUT Texas does have its support our troops (and their families) suit on... which means programs for me like the Texas Workforce and that is nice... California is one of the 21 states to offer unemployment assistance to spouses forced to quit their jobs to move with their service members due to new orders... (See Fig. A--Yes, I've always wanted a legitimate, non-school reason to write that.)
And that makes me very, very happy. Who says California isn't supportive of our troops and their families? Hooah, California! :) My job hunt is on, my furniture hunt is on. I hope that there are charitable people in Texas... and many-a-good furniture junkin' sites. We don't really have furniture but we have pretty much everything else... :D
That should be enough to get me through my Sabby waking up so I can tell him about the apartment and what-not. And then I finish packing later... probably tomorrow or friday, and wash the clothes I'm wearing while I'm still here... and pick up prescriptions from Rite Aid. :)
My current favorite is this one.
It's pretty and it's near Fort Bliss :)
I dislike Texas because a lot people I've met there are rude :( And it's hot :(( And it's not California D: D: D: I'm a California girl at heart :] BUT Texas does have its support our troops (and their families) suit on... which means programs for me like the Texas Workforce and that is nice... California is one of the 21 states to offer unemployment assistance to spouses forced to quit their jobs to move with their service members due to new orders... (See Fig. A--Yes, I've always wanted a legitimate, non-school reason to write that.)
Totally Figure A
And that makes me very, very happy. Who says California isn't supportive of our troops and their families? Hooah, California! :) My job hunt is on, my furniture hunt is on. I hope that there are charitable people in Texas... and many-a-good furniture junkin' sites. We don't really have furniture but we have pretty much everything else... :D
Current "Stay Awake" Mix
.P.O.D. : Wildfire
Static-X : Invincible
Bitter:Sweet : Don't Forget to Breathe
Nanosaur : Maria ft. Dev
The Cataracs : Top of the World ft Dev
Samantha Marq : I Like To Party (ft Dev, The Cataracs, Futhamuckers)
New Boyz : Backseat ft The Cataracs and Dev
Ke$ha : Blow
Dev : Bass Down Low ft The Cataracs
Chelly : Took The Night
The Bloody Beetroots : WARP 1.9 ft Steve Aoki
Ke$ha : Take It Off
Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart : Cherry Bomb (The Runaways Move ST).
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
To Do List: Week of June the 21st
June 21st:
Get my preliminary packing done. -Clothes -Tops -Dresses -Pants -Jeans -Underwear -Bras -Socks.
Get my important papers in order-Social Security Card -Birth Certificate -Immunization Records -ID -Stamps
Get Sabby's important things in order -Forgotten ACU's-Leftover Civvies -Checkbook -Credit Card
Type up 2 week notice for my job.
June 22nd:
Hand in 2 week notice at work Moved to the 26th/27th, changed to immediate resignation due to a need for time to get everything ready for Texas.
June 23rd:
June 24th:
Look for apts, jobs, household goods
Buy Giant Bag to hold household goods. Moved to the 25th
June 25th:
Pack household goods - Sleeping bag -Pillows -4 Qt Pot -1 Qt Pot -"The Egg Pan" (lol.) -2 cups -1 Thermos -Packet Drink Mixes -Oatmeal -Top Ramen :) -DVDs -Charger -Pictures -Headset -Notebooks -Envelopes -Fiber Mix
Buy Giant suitcase.
June 26th:
Quit Job
June 27th:
Get my important papers in order
Get Sabby's important things in order -Forgotten ACU's
June 22nd:
June 23rd:
June 24th:
June 25th:
Pack household goods - Sleeping bag -Pillows -4 Qt Pot -1 Qt Pot -"The Egg Pan" (lol.) -2 cups -1 Thermos -Packet Drink Mixes -Oatmeal -Top Ramen :) -DVDs -Charger -Pictures -Headset -Notebooks -Envelopes -Fiber Mix
Buy Giant suitcase.
June 26th:
Quit Job
June 27th:
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday Fill-In!
1. Underwear Parties, how old is too old? submitted by Wookie & Co.
Um, what? No, really... Just... what...?
2. What was your favorite class in high school? submitted by Adventures of M-Squared
History! it was just so easy. Or English. They were both Easy. Or French. All easy, to me.
3. Have you ever convinced packers/movers to pack something they aren’t supposed to for a PCS? submitted by Ground Control to Major Mom
I haven't PCSed ever. D:
4. Blogging plays a growing roll in the media. If you were asked to embed as a blogger with a deployed military unit, would you go? What do you think your blog would be like? submitted by To the Nth
Sure, why not? I need to keep the crazy contained! Preferably to the blog.
5. Do you think kids should attend year-round school? submitted by Marrying the Navy
I did just fine in my regular school... why would I need them in a year round school? :/
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Very Muffin Update!
June 8th
The Good: I got MARRIED.

Right After The Wedding.
The Bad: The best man got into a car crash with us in the car D:
Pain meds galore on my honeymoon D:

Honeyhon sitting in hotel room

Blurry picture. There must always be one.

Sitting outside waiting for a seat in the place we had dinner at =D
June 14
THE GOOD: The wedding photo shoot

MUUUUUAH. First picture taken

Certified Badass.
I might join him in Texas soon...
The Good: I got MARRIED.
Right After The Wedding.
Before a Smooch ♥
My Dad was the photographer
The Bad: The best man got into a car crash with us in the car D:
Pain meds galore on my honeymoon D:
Honeyhon sitting in hotel room
Blurry picture. There must always be one.
Sitting outside waiting for a seat in the place we had dinner at =D
June 14
THE GOOD: The wedding photo shoot
MUUUUUAH. First picture taken
Muah Muah
What are YOU lookin at (lol.)
Certified Badass.
He's so damn TALL! Cannons for FA hooah!
I wanted one with both of our eyes closed.
Silly honeyhons.
Coo Koo Faces :D
The Bad: He left the next day.I might join him in Texas soon...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
It's the first!
Happy First, Everyone!
For those of y'all who don't know, I usually set goals for myself on the first of every month, to kick my procrastinating ass into doing what I have to. (Hey, I know that I put stuff off, so I give myself deadlines AND goals. Hooah.)
Without further ado...
Family Goals
My Own Little Family (Future Husband)
My Family (Dad and Siblings)
Home Life
Other than that on the agenda for today is:
Toodles, I'm off to bed.
For those of y'all who don't know, I usually set goals for myself on the first of every month, to kick my procrastinating ass into doing what I have to. (Hey, I know that I put stuff off, so I give myself deadlines AND goals. Hooah.)
Without further ado...
Family Goals
My Own Little Family (Future Husband)
- Get Married before DF leaves
- Have a Honeymoon (However small it may be)
- Send Sebastian to Texas with pictures. Lots of pictures.
My Family (Dad and Siblings)
- Make dinner 2-3x/week for my dad
- Pick up after messy siblings WITHOUT BITCHING at least 1x/week
Home Life
- Buy: Bed Set
- Buy: Picture Frames
- Repair: Paint coat on Red Wall (Fix the scratches in the paint that my dumb-ass siblings decided they would put in by not listening to my dad.)
- Put in paperwork to start at UEI
- Start Learning the basics of knitting (Will be hard without Needles and thread.)
Other than that on the agenda for today is:
- Have my dad call our Lawyer
- Visit Florists in the city for our bouquet
- Check out two Nature Parks for a place to photograph the wedding.
Toodles, I'm off to bed.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
A tiny bit of background, plus a prayer.
I was raised a Catholic, but never fully became one. Crap childhood, etc, difficult times prevented that... But any who, I've always been a big proponent of the phrase "If you want to help, stop praying and do something." (Which I think I made up some time in the ninth grade...) And I pretty much live my life by that.
Everything that I can do, I do. Which is good, right? No lazy clasped hands here.
But, like I said before, I am a Catholic at heart, guilt and prayers and all. Emphasis on prayers. I say my prayers most every night. For quite a while, I knew all of my prayers in Latin, actually. But they never actually impacted me as much as they "should have." Which sucks, but I figured it just showed how much actually getting your hands dirty to achieve your goals means. Prior to Sebastian, I didn't really think much of it. I find myself having a growing appreciation for prayers aside from their ability to calm me after a particularly traumatic event, such as a loss, nightmare, or fight. That's beside the point.
The point is, I find myself fearing for him terribly. It's normal for me, as I am a self-confessed paranoid worrier. It's what I do.
But this is not something I like having on my mind.
I know my soldier, I know he is smart, dedicated, learned, clever, strong and devoted to his ever-present standard of excellence in all that he does.... I know that he is a protector, brave and true. I know that he was always meant to be a soldier, because for some odd reason, it's in his blood. He wouldn't be him if he weren't a soldier.
But, I also know that he is human, and sometimes humans miss things. Things that can get them or someone else hurt--or even worse-- killed.
And that is something that terrifies me. It terrifies me because even though I have been in situations with no control before, I have always fought my way out. Always. Here, I do not have that luxury. Here, I am completely powerless, set to rely on he and the men and women that he work with. I can't go with him to Texas yet, and I will have no way of knowing how he is or where he is when he is deployed, except for letters and skype calls and phone calls.
As I mentioned earlier, I am Catholic. When I freak out, I tend to look for prayers. Prayers on anything.. because I can list them for future moments of weakness and worry. I just happened to stumbled upon a rather interesting one.
Have you ever heard of St. Sebastian? Neither had I before a few nights ago. He is the patron saint of all Soldiers. *Guess this explains how it's in his blood :-p* Here is his prayer (which also happens to have a nice bit of background on him, too.)
Everything that I can do, I do. Which is good, right? No lazy clasped hands here.
But, like I said before, I am a Catholic at heart, guilt and prayers and all. Emphasis on prayers. I say my prayers most every night. For quite a while, I knew all of my prayers in Latin, actually. But they never actually impacted me as much as they "should have." Which sucks, but I figured it just showed how much actually getting your hands dirty to achieve your goals means. Prior to Sebastian, I didn't really think much of it. I find myself having a growing appreciation for prayers aside from their ability to calm me after a particularly traumatic event, such as a loss, nightmare, or fight. That's beside the point.
The point is, I find myself fearing for him terribly. It's normal for me, as I am a self-confessed paranoid worrier. It's what I do.
But this is not something I like having on my mind.
I know my soldier, I know he is smart, dedicated, learned, clever, strong and devoted to his ever-present standard of excellence in all that he does.... I know that he is a protector, brave and true. I know that he was always meant to be a soldier, because for some odd reason, it's in his blood. He wouldn't be him if he weren't a soldier.
But, I also know that he is human, and sometimes humans miss things. Things that can get them or someone else hurt--or even worse-- killed.
And that is something that terrifies me. It terrifies me because even though I have been in situations with no control before, I have always fought my way out. Always. Here, I do not have that luxury. Here, I am completely powerless, set to rely on he and the men and women that he work with. I can't go with him to Texas yet, and I will have no way of knowing how he is or where he is when he is deployed, except for letters and skype calls and phone calls.
As I mentioned earlier, I am Catholic. When I freak out, I tend to look for prayers. Prayers on anything.. because I can list them for future moments of weakness and worry. I just happened to stumbled upon a rather interesting one.
Have you ever heard of St. Sebastian? Neither had I before a few nights ago. He is the patron saint of all Soldiers. *Guess this explains how it's in his blood :-p* Here is his prayer (which also happens to have a nice bit of background on him, too.)
Dear Commander at the Roman Emperor's court,
You chose to be also a soldier of Christ
And dared to spread faith in the King of Kings,
For which you were condemned to die.
Your body, however, proved athletically strong and the executing arrows extremely weak.
So another means to kill you was chosen
And you gave your life to the Lord.
May Soldiers be always as strong in their faith as their Patron Saint so clearly has been. Amen.
Monday, May 30, 2011
My Lasagna got a blog :D
And he did it as a surprise to me, too! Awwh! So cute!
Go pay him a visit! Tell him I sent you!
P.S. Happy Blogging, honey!
Survey time!!!
Okay, so I was hopping through some blogs today, when I found this adorable post/survey I'm totally stealing from Ashleigh over at I'm His Wife... The Army is His Mistress... :D Sabby and I were just talking about how much I love doing paperwork, filling out forms and surveys, making lists... He says, and I quote "You are the only person I can honestly say would enjoy hanging out at MEPS." Haha! The sad part is that he's probably right. :-p
My future hubby is just so helpful, I love it. I was having a horrible day because of the dream I had earlier today, and things just kept piling up. My alarm somehow repeated.... ten times -.-'
Let me tell you, Lady Gaga is not so nice to listen to when you hear her for thirty minutes straight, just the same loop of music over and over again and you can not turn it off! And then my phone messed up, my shopping trip for the final things for the wedding got canceled and the person I set my alarm for just decided to sleep in... But, I digress, I had needed some information to apply for the Marriage license, and after I got my phone working again (I'm tech-savvy that way *Power Girl Pose*) I received a text from him with all of the information needed and THEN SOME. *Girly squeal*
It's funny how just the smallest things he does make me so happy, that even now, as my back is aching and my skin itching intensely, I'm smiling like a mad woman.
It's funny how just the smallest things he does make me so happy, that even now, as my back is aching and my skin itching intensely, I'm smiling like a mad woman.
Back to the matter at hand--The Survey *holy light and angels chorus*
1. What are your middle names?
John-Micheal (Yeah, e-a-l, not a-e-l,) And Jazmine.
2. How long have you been together?
One Year
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Uhm, let's see..... five years, I think.
One Year
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Uhm, let's see..... five years, I think.
4. Who asked who out?
He asked me. Oh my god, that first date was so awkward. SO AWKWARD.
5. How old are each of you?
We're both 19, but I turn 20 in September. :/ I'm gonna be an old lady D:!
6. Did you go to the same school?
Only the same high school, and only for one year. I missed him so much when he was gone.
7. Are you from the same home town?
Yes :D
8. Who is the smartest?
"Our smarts compliment each other... He is smarter in subjects that I am not so smart in... and I am smarter in subjects that he may not be so smart in. We mesh well :)." -Ashleigh
Couldn't have said it better myself...
9. Who majored in what?
He's majoring in being a bad-ass. He's due to graduate that soon :D
And I am majoring in Biology (CC) and Medical Assisting (UEI) @_@
10. Who is the most sensitive?
We're actually sensitive about different things. I'm more sensitive when it come to words, and he, actions.
11.Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Together? Uhh, West Covina? To meet with each other, because I couldn't go with him would be Lawton, Oklahoma.
12. Who has the worst temper?
Definitely me. He's way more level-headed, but if you piss him off... or hurt me... You DO NOT want to see his bad side..
13. How many children do you want?
He wants two, I draw the limit at four.
14. Who does the cooking?
Me, but he helps sometimes... when he's here.
15. Who is more social?
Me, but he's the more approachable one :)
16. Who is the neat freak?
Um.... That'd be me... *hesitant raise of the hand* But I'm trying not to be one!
17. Who is the most stubborn?
We are both pretty damn stubborn... Definitely a tie, there.
18. Who wakes up earlier?
He definitley wakes up earlier! Unless I have a sleep schedule in place to get up earlier, usually to surprise him. fufufufufu....
19. Where was your first date?
Our first real date... Was at Tams, then 7-11 for some coffee, then to the park to hang out and enjoy the weather... I liked it. :D
20. Who has the bigger family?
Me, He's an only child, and i have several half-siblings.
21. Do you get flowers often?
I've gotten them once each month.
22. How do you spend the holidays?
Apart right now :(
23. Who is more jealous?
I think we are both equally jealous, but in different ways...
24. How long did it take to get serious?
I think we were serious right from the get-go. We both know what we want out of life, what we want in an SO, and what we want as far as a career goes. So we instantly connected.
25. Who eats more?
Definitley Him!! He is a GIANT man. SERIOUSLY.
26. What do you do for a living?
Currently, I work as a cashier in one of the biggest fast-food chains around. (Ba da bap bap baaa) It's not the ideal job, my hours aren't that great, but it helps me to take care of some of the bills around here. :)
27. Who does the laundry?
We each do our own because we are apart. I don't know about together yet.
28. Who's better with the computer?
Definitely me. He's learning though.
29. Who drives when you are together?
It'll have to be me.
30. What is your song?
"Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana... but there is this song that I like... I want to play it at our wedding. Can't wait to surprise him with it.He asked me. Oh my god, that first date was so awkward. SO AWKWARD.
5. How old are each of you?
We're both 19, but I turn 20 in September. :/ I'm gonna be an old lady D:!
6. Did you go to the same school?
Only the same high school, and only for one year. I missed him so much when he was gone.
7. Are you from the same home town?
Yes :D
8. Who is the smartest?
"Our smarts compliment each other... He is smarter in subjects that I am not so smart in... and I am smarter in subjects that he may not be so smart in. We mesh well :)." -Ashleigh
Couldn't have said it better myself...
9. Who majored in what?
He's majoring in being a bad-ass. He's due to graduate that soon :D
And I am majoring in Biology (CC) and Medical Assisting (UEI) @_@
10. Who is the most sensitive?
We're actually sensitive about different things. I'm more sensitive when it come to words, and he, actions.
11.Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Together? Uhh, West Covina? To meet with each other, because I couldn't go with him would be Lawton, Oklahoma.
12. Who has the worst temper?
Definitely me. He's way more level-headed, but if you piss him off... or hurt me... You DO NOT want to see his bad side..
13. How many children do you want?
He wants two, I draw the limit at four.
14. Who does the cooking?
Me, but he helps sometimes... when he's here.
15. Who is more social?
Me, but he's the more approachable one :)
16. Who is the neat freak?
Um.... That'd be me... *hesitant raise of the hand* But I'm trying not to be one!
17. Who is the most stubborn?
We are both pretty damn stubborn... Definitely a tie, there.
18. Who wakes up earlier?
He definitley wakes up earlier! Unless I have a sleep schedule in place to get up earlier, usually to surprise him. fufufufufu....
19. Where was your first date?
Our first real date... Was at Tams, then 7-11 for some coffee, then to the park to hang out and enjoy the weather... I liked it. :D
20. Who has the bigger family?
Me, He's an only child, and i have several half-siblings.
21. Do you get flowers often?
I've gotten them once each month.
22. How do you spend the holidays?
Apart right now :(
23. Who is more jealous?
I think we are both equally jealous, but in different ways...
24. How long did it take to get serious?
I think we were serious right from the get-go. We both know what we want out of life, what we want in an SO, and what we want as far as a career goes. So we instantly connected.
25. Who eats more?
Definitley Him!! He is a GIANT man. SERIOUSLY.
26. What do you do for a living?
Currently, I work as a cashier in one of the biggest fast-food chains around. (Ba da bap bap baaa) It's not the ideal job, my hours aren't that great, but it helps me to take care of some of the bills around here. :)
27. Who does the laundry?
We each do our own because we are apart. I don't know about together yet.
28. Who's better with the computer?
Definitely me. He's learning though.
29. Who drives when you are together?
It'll have to be me.
30. What is your song?
I don't remember...
... What I was dreaming but I woke up to my farther and brother looking over me frantically asking "what's wrong?!" And a literal puddle of tears on my bed, arm, and face.
I think I was dreaming about being all alone... I felt like I usually do after those dreams
... Only this time it felt much worse.
Because the only thing I am sure of is that this time I was left on purpose.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Today is a mixed bag so far...
The good:
My Soldier is finally getting some sleep. He's been so tired as of late, stressing over little details.
The bad:
I found out when he'll be deploying :( Not happy about the deployment.
The good:
He loves me so much ♥
There is no downside to that :D
The good:
We're getting married in exactly one week, one day.
The bad:
Separate homes and a deployment D:
But yesterday I got my garter, my garter belt, and thigh highs at Frederick's of Hollywood. And trust me, they look sooooo good. Now if only the florist would call me back. It's hard to plan a wedding all by yourself, damn you maid of honor! Damn you and your trip to Vegas T_T;
More to come later, because I have more wedding and blog stuff to take care of...
My Soldier is finally getting some sleep. He's been so tired as of late, stressing over little details.
The bad:
I found out when he'll be deploying :( Not happy about the deployment.
The good:
He loves me so much ♥
There is no downside to that :D
The good:
We're getting married in exactly one week, one day.
The bad:
Separate homes and a deployment D:
But yesterday I got my garter, my garter belt, and thigh highs at Frederick's of Hollywood. And trust me, they look sooooo good. Now if only the florist would call me back. It's hard to plan a wedding all by yourself, damn you maid of honor! Damn you and your trip to Vegas T_T;
More to come later, because I have more wedding and blog stuff to take care of...
Welcome, I'm The Army Muffin :)
I'm the Army Muffin, though I also go by Lisa.
I'm a proud army fiancĂ©e, currently engaged to a wonderful soldier named Sebastian ♥
I have one cat, one hamster, and a LOT of fish. I garden and love to cook and bake :)
More on us:
The Muffin:
19, Female, California Girl, SoCal Native :)
Happily engaged to Sebastian ♥
Medical Assisting Student :)
The Soldier:
Sebastian, the love of my life ♥
Toughest Solider around ♥
All-around bad ass ♥
The Kitty:
4 Year Old Kitty, Slowly going blind :(
Born a Littlebutt, named after said fact :)
Terrorized by Betty when she rolls around in her ball or escapes :D
The Hamster:
1 1/2 Year old dwarf winter white hamster :)
Female, adorable in every sense of the word ♥
Likes to try to escape, even though she rarely succeeds :D
That's all for now....
I'm a proud army fiancĂ©e, currently engaged to a wonderful soldier named Sebastian ♥
I have one cat, one hamster, and a LOT of fish. I garden and love to cook and bake :)
More on us:
The Muffin:

Happily engaged to Sebastian ♥
Medical Assisting Student :)
The Soldier:
Toughest Solider around ♥
All-around bad ass ♥
The Kitty:
Born a Littlebutt, named after said fact :)
Terrorized by Betty when she rolls around in her ball or escapes :D
The Hamster:
1 1/2 Year old dwarf winter white hamster :)
Female, adorable in every sense of the word ♥
Likes to try to escape, even though she rarely succeeds :D
That's all for now....

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