Friday, March 15, 2013

10 week Post-Partum Visit.

It went well. I weigh in at 109 lbs!
I  officially weigh less than I did when I got pregnant.

9 lbs to go for my pre-pregnancy weight loss goal!

I feel hot, man!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Skinnygirl Daily On-The-Go Bars Review

They're pretty good. I liked the way they filled you up, because that means I have to eat less and have time to do more things... This is a super bonus for a new mom like myself. I wanna try some of the Banana Oatmeal Dark Chocolate bars. Sounds yuuuuummmy!

I ate my bar the next day after I got my Voxbox, for breakfast. It filled me up more than a bowl of Cereal and a Banana (My usual grub,) and kept me fuller, longer. I didn't even need a mid-morning snack, like I usually do.

I got the COCO-NUT flavor. I don't really like coconut usually--but it tastes pretty awesome in these bars. If these bars can make coconut taste good to me, then holy cheezeballs, batman! I gotta try more.

Oh, don't let these sit out in hot weather, or they'll get kind of shiny and a little oily. If that happens, pop 'em in the fridge for about 10 minutes and it should be better.

I received this product complimentary from Influenster

Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response Review

Hi, all!

So I just tried out Secret's Clinical Strength Stress Response Deodorant, and it's pretty effing awesome. It smells like tropical flavored gum, and keeps your stress sweats under control. But my favorite thing about it is the smell! YUM!

Let me tell you a story about this deodorant. It starts off like this:

We finally went out on a date, again. You know, after baby. Not the same, but still .... Still good, you know? I'm getting ready to go out before my husband gets home from work. I'm worried, stressing out, because I'm leaving my baby to go out on a date. And when I stress, I sweat. I sweat a lot. Holy cheeseballs, do I sweat a lot. Then, I stress about sweating, so I stress more. It's a vicious cycle.

Anyways, I knew this would happen, so RIGHT AFTER I got out of the shower, I put some of this deodorant on. No #stresssweat what-so-ever. AW YISS. This deodorant is awesome.

It's so awesome, it even got me through the stressful pre-date jitters. GOOD JOB SECRET.

I gotta go take care of baby--toodles!

I received my deodorant complimentary from Influenster.

Olay Fresh Effects Va-Va-Vivid -- Shine, Shine Go Away

I got Olay Fresh Effects Va-Va-Vivid -- Shine, Shine Go Away in my Influenster Sweetheart Voxbox. I tried it last night and here are the results!

The box design was lovely, and made me smile. Bright colors are very good for cheering me up, I suppose. Good on you there, Olay.

The brush was a little weird shaped. But, I figured, they had a reason for that-- and they really do. The shape helps get the areas that are hard to reach with normal means (That little space underneath your eyes but  right  THERE at your nose, being one of them.) The triangle fits perfectly in that area.

I have NEVER felt a deeper clean there, omg!

You can buy it from and

I received Fresh Effects complimentary from Influenster