Hi, all!
So I just tried out
Secret's Clinical Strength Stress Response Deodorant, and it's pretty effing awesome. It smells like tropical flavored gum, and keeps your stress sweats under control. But my favorite thing about it is the smell! YUM!
Let me tell you a story about this deodorant. It starts off like this:
We finally went out on a date, again. You know,
after baby. Not the same, but still .... Still good, you know? I'm getting ready to go out before my husband gets home from work. I'm worried, stressing out, because I'm leaving my baby to go out on a date. And when I stress, I sweat. I sweat
a lot. Holy cheeseballs, do I sweat a lot. Then, I stress about sweating, so I stress more. It's a vicious cycle.
Anyways, I
knew this would happen, so RIGHT AFTER I got out of the shower, I put some of this deodorant on. No #stresssweat what-so-ever. AW YISS. This deodorant is awesome.
It's so awesome, it even got me through the stressful pre-date jitters. GOOD JOB SECRET.
I gotta go take care of baby--toodles!
I received my deodorant complimentary from Influenster.